Tuesday, May 12, 2015

It Should Be Much Worse, Tom Brady

You're getting over like a fat rat in a cheese factory!

Not only does your Patriot's team get caught cheating twice - once taping opposing teams to learn  their signals, but now you're tagged for deflating footballs below league standards to give yourself an advantage when tossing the ball.

It would have been bad enough that the Colts caught you red handed, but you had to compound the whole tragedy by getting snarky with the press when you should have been humble, and when the league investigated the issue, you decided not to cooperate. Tom was given a four game suspension and he's whining like the air was taken out of his fat head!

If I were running the league, Tom Brady and his coach would both be tossed out of the league forever - they don't believe fat meat is greasy, and their antics have reduced the credibility of the most popular sport in the US to that of Rollerderby and the WWF.  How can you possibly take football seriously if the players are allowed to do what they want with abandon?  Every team in the AFC should boycott the Patriots. Just because Brady is a superstar doesn't mean that he is above reproach - this is America, we can find a replacement who will value what he has...

In a few years, Chicago will celebrate, or be obliged to relive, the Black Sox Scandal of 1919 when eight players on my beloved Chicago White Sox were kicked out of baseball as unceremoniously as a pair of rusted cleats.  The Black Sox were accused of fixing the 1919 World Series by cooperating to lose.  They were motivated by greed, and a desire to embarrass their boss, the famous tight wad, Charlie Comiskey.  The first Commissioner of Baseball, Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis brooked no nonsense and he banished some of the best players in baseball, including "Shoeless Joe" Jackson, to a lifetime of farm teams and hitting with their non-dominate arm to make sure they weren't discovered trying to play.  How would Tom feel if he could never play football again - not in Canada - NOWHERE!!

Tom Brady should be grateful that this tiny slap on the wrist will end yet another year overshadowed with his team's inability to win fair and square.  I guess if you work for Bill Belichick, if you aren't cheatng, you're not trying to win.  Its the wrong message for American younsters and I hope that parents are teaching their children tonight that Tom Brady is a liar and a cheat, and he can't even own up to it!  

Take several seats, Tom - your whining will garner no sympathy here...

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