Reluctantly, I went to see " Gravity" on opening weekend.
I knew the movie had spectacular special effects and was very well received, but to be honest, I don't like movies where people are abandoned - it's too depressing. Besides, what's going to happen in a movie where there is only one person against the world - I didn't want to go - but my cousins wanted to see it - so I went with the flow.
I must say that I am glad that I listened to them - "Gravity" is a thoroughly delightful movie, and I actually am recommending that everyone see it. The movie has an incredible message that everyone, especially in this economy and especially young people - need to hear - it's not over 'til it's over. Don't be surprised if this movie wins "Best Picture" I liked it that much.
In "Gravity" Sandra Bullock is an acclaimed scientist trying to carry out an experiment in space. She's one of the best and brightest, everyone else on the crew is there to support her efforts. The only thing is - like being on earth, you have to deal with the situation you are in, no matter how smart you are - there's something out there that trumps you. When I was at the Palmer House, the saying was "Everyone has a boss.." and that's true. For us, it was the hotel guest. For Sandra Bullock, it was space.
In the movie, Sandra Bullock is extoling the virtues of being in the peace and quiet of space, while George Clooney blathers on endlessly about past hook-ups. He was really good in the movie, but his character was everything his public persona makes him out to be - calm, in control, analytic to the point of distraction - someone who took life in space for granted. He had his own reason for being there, and his leadership is invaluable to the scientist.
Sandra spends her odyssey trying to control her environment, and ultimately, the fight becomes too much of a struggle as she realizes that this peace and quiet that she prized isn't all it's cracked up to be. She also realizes a bit too late that she was really focused on doing the easy stuff well. She sees that she doesn't really know what she is doing as she tries to survive - she doesn't even know how to pray.
The great thing about this movie is that it reminds you - or in some cases shows you, that you don't need to do anything special to pray - there aren't really any secret formulas you have to utilize - a quick "Help a sister out" has always been effective for me. When you think of something that had never occurred to you before - something that makes you say - "oh - is that going to work, I hadn't thought of that before" - that is generally your answer. But whatever you do - don't ever quit! Don't keep doing the same stupid thing over and over again - it didn't work the first hundred times, and doing the same thing and expecting a different result is usually a sign of insanity. Your answer may be just around the corner if you just center yourself and ask for what you want...
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
Courtesy of "Don't You Quit", an inspirational poem
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