Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Trumpster

OK - this week I have been inundated with questions about what I think of Donald Trump.  I actually try not to think of him at all and work aggressively at thinking about serious matters.

But, when all is said and done, I think three things when I am pressed to consider him:

I think that he is not a Billionaire - I've worked for wealthy families most of my life and I can tell you people who are running empires don't have time to sit around and send mean tweets to their enemies. They don't have time to run around and glad hand people, because their main concern is keeping their business going and that takes up most of their time and their consideration.  You think Warren Buffet has time to send out Facebook posts and Tweets? Not even - and he might send out a few messages, but those are sent by assistants, and it doesn't monopolize their days, cause ain't nobody got time for that!

I think that he is full of bombast - talking tough will truly only take you so far when you are standing on a podium in front of a vast crowd of people that you know nothing about.  Do you recall that day it looked like someone was going to storm the stage at his rally?  His eyes were as wide as saucers and he gripped that podium with as much fear as you will ever see in a man who is not on a battlefield. You see he didn't try and unleash his act in Chicago, because Chicagoans were ready to take it there.  He tried to blame his timid departure on the Chicago Police, but they made it clear that they didn't stop the rally - they told him it was up to him - and as we all know - he folded like a house of cards

I think that he creates a persona that he will have a very hard time getting away from and it has placed him in a precarious position - he has been acting like an arch villain in Gotham City - he has no place to go but back into the funny papers.  How can he ever be taken seriously?  Telling people to shut up, asking Russia to hack into a private system server, calling women ugly.. I remember another New Yorker who spent the majority of his career trying to be a bully, his name was John McEnroe.  He was an incredible tennis player, but he had a reputation for being over the top and intimidating.  But the problem with having that reputation is at some point, you will be called on it. McEnroe was in the middle of a match and at one point, he challenged a line judge - and instead of cowering, the line judge let him know in a not so subtle way that he wasn't the one.  The man might have been having a bad day - but he checked John McEnroe and it made headlines. Trump can't afford that fate, so when I do think of him, I am usually thinking " I certainly hope I'm around when he has his come uppance."